Financial technology, or fintech, revolutionizes the finance industry. It includes online banking, digital payments, cryptocurrency, and robo-advisors. Fintech innovations make financial services more accessible, convenient, and efficient for consumers and businesses.
Nominations that won in the 2024 competition may be resubmitted for consideration in the 2025 awards. If they have been updated with recent achievements they may be submitted to the same categories in which they won. If they have not been updated they must be submitted to categories different from those in which they won.
The information requirements for entries in these categories in the 2025 competition include:
Written answers to the following questions, describing the nominated achievements since January 1 2023, OR a video of up to five (5) minutes in length that answers all of the same questions:
a. Briefly describe the nominated organization: its history and past performance (up to 200 words). When nominating an individual person, provide this information about the nominee’s employer. Required
b. Outline the nominee’s achievements since the beginning of 2023 that you wish to bring to the judges’ attention (up to 250 words). In the new product and service categories, outline the features, functions, benefits, and novelty of the product or service. In the Lifetime Achievement category this eligibility window doesn't apply - you may describe the nominee's lifetime of accomplishment. Required
c. Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant. If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to the nominee's past performance (up to 250 words). Required
d. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination (up to 250 words). Optional
Optional (but highly recommended), add to your entry up to 10 webpage links and up to 10 document uploads to support your case to the judges. These might be press articles, press releases, videos, work samples, internal or external reviews, or employee feedback, for example.
M01. Company of the Year
This category will recognize the technology-related achievements of companies in this industry since the beginning of 2023. While your nomination may briefly mention the company’s achievements before 2023, it should focus heavily on a summary of what your organization has achieved since January 1 2023, or the judges will not score your nomination highly.
M02. Educational or Research Institution of the Year
There is no entry fee for this category. This category will recognize the achievements since the beginning of 2023 of non-profit educational and research institutions in this industry. Make sure your nomination focuses heavily on your achievements since January 1 2023, or the judges will not score your nomination highly.
M03. Technical Innovation of the Year
This category will recognize new technical innovations in this industry made since the beginning of 2023. Describe the problem or opportunity the technology was conceived to address, how the innovation was developed, tested and deployed, and how the technology has been used since introduced.
M04. Technology Breakthrough of the Year
This category will recognize technology breakthroughs in this industry, since the beginning of 2023, that create new paradigms for technology usage. Think blockchains or mobile wallets, for example. Has your organization developed or innovatively implemented a technology or product that changes the way people live or work? Nominate it in this category.
M05. New Product of the Year
Both brand new and new-version technology products in this industry, introduced since the beginning of 2023, may be nominated.
M06. New Service of the Year
Both brand new and new-version technology services in this industry, introduced since the beginning of 2023, may be nominated.
M07. Management Team of the Year
Use this category to nominate your entire technology management team for their achievements since the beginning of 2023.
M08. Technology Team of the Year
Use this category to nominate an entire technology-related team within your organization for their achievements since the beginning of 2023. The nominated team may be a formal team, such as a hardware design team, or an informal team, such as an ad-hoc team brought together to perform a certain task or initiative.
M09. Lifetime Achievement Award
Use this category to nominate an individual person for their lifetime of achievement. The standard eligibility window (since the beginning of 2023) does not apply to this category. You may summarize the nominated individual’s complete breadth of achievement over their career.
M10. Executive of the Year
Use this category to nominate an individual technology-related executive within your organization for their achievements since the beginning of 2023. The Stevie Awards consider anyone with a title of Vice President (or the equivalent) or higher as being an executive.
M11. Employee of the Year
There is no entry fee for this category. Use this category to nominate a non-executive, technology-related employee within your organization for their personal achievements since the beginning of 2023. This category is for non-executive employees only. Executive nominations to this category will be disqualified.