All entries are first reviewed by Stevie® Awards staff to ensure that eligibility requirements are met, that entries are formatted properly in order to go forward to be judged, and that entries have been submitted in appropriate categories.
Determination of the Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Winners
Judging will be conducted from May 21 through July 17. Judges will be recruited worldwide, will be invited or will apply to judge on the Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence website, and if accepted, will be assigned to a jury for certain category groups by Stevie Awards staff, based on their industry, function, and experience. A judge will not be assigned categories to which their own organization has submitted entries.
Each entry will be reviewed and rated by no fewer than five (5) judges who have been approved as qualified (by Stevie Awards staff) to judge those entries. Rating will be done on a scale of 1-10.
The average scores of judges will determine the Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners in each category.
All entries with an average score of 7.75 or higher will automatically be eligible for Stevie Award status. The qualifying entry in each category with the highest average score after judging is completed will receive a Gold Stevie Award. Any qualifying entries with a final average score of at least 8.25 will be designated as Silver Stevie winners, and will receive a silver medal. All other qualifying entries with a score of 7.75 or higher will be designated as Bronze Stevie winners, and will receive a bronze medal. Silver and Bronze winners will have the right to promote their Silver- and Bronze-winning Stevie status, and will have the option to purchase their Silver and Bronze Stevie statues.
Winners will be notified and announced in July. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners will then be celebrated at an awards banquet in New York on September 16. Attendance is not required to win.
The veracity of claims made in entries may be audited. Any entry found to contain false or misleading information will be disqualified. Gold Stevie-winning entries will be published on the awards website. Winners will have the opportunity to redact any confidential or non-public information from their entries before publication.
Determination of Grand Stevie Award Winners
The organization that wins the most Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards will be presented with the Grand Stevie Award for Organization of the Year. The winner will be determined by total points won, with a Gold Stevie win counting for three (3) points, a Silver Stevie win for two (2) points, and a Bronze Stevie win for one-and-a-half (1.5) points. The nomination with the highest average score from the professional judges will be conferred a Grand Stevie Award as the Highest-rated Nomination of the Year.